Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I'm going to do my slideshow on why preventative care is important. I'm going to talk about diabetes, syphilis, cervical cancer, and testicular cancer.

First, diabetes will be covered because it is very common and many people don't know how bad it can get without the disease being diagnosed and treated. [how to prevent getting it later in life]

Second, cervical cancer is preventable by receiving the gardasil shot (only two types of the virus), which is covered by most insurance and will have to be covered under the ACA. Also yearly pap smears help in finding any irregular cells early on instead of in more advanced stages of the cancer. [the shot also helps prevent to types of genital warts diseases]

Third, syphilis is a treatable bacterial STI. If it goes untreated, syphilis can damage many parts of the body and can lead to mental illness.

Last, testicular cancer

Wellness checks, even if healthy, are worth while. why it's important for these screenings.
Talk about the costs (emotional and monetary) if not found early.

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